Posts by Collection


Minimum Variance Rooting of Phylogenetic Trees and Implications for Species Tree Reconstruction

Published in PLOS ONE, 2017

This paper introduces MinVar-Rooting, a method to root the tree at the point that minimizes the variance of the root to tip distances, and a linear-time algorithm to find the MinVar point.

Recommended citation: Mai, Uyen, Erfan Sayyari, and Siavash Mirarab. Minimum Variance Rooting of Phylogenetic Trees and Implications for Species Tree Reconstruction. Edited by Gabriel Moreno-Hagelsieb. PLOS ONE 12, no. 8 (2017): e0182238.

TreeCluster: Clustering biological sequences using phylogenetic trees

Published in PLOS ONE, 2019

TreeCluster is a tool that, given a tree T (Newick format) and a distance threshold t, finds the minimum number of clusters of the leaves of T such that some user-specified constraint is met in each cluster.

Recommended citation: Balaban M, Moshiri N, Mai U, Jia X, Mirarab S (2019) TreeCluster: Clustering biological sequences using phylogenetic trees. PLOS ONE 14(8): e0221068.

Phylogenomics of 10,575 genomes reveals evolutionary proximity between domains Bacteria and Archaea

Published in Nature Communications, 2019

A Reference Phylogeny for Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes. Including 10,575 genomes of Bacteria and Archaea using 381 marker genes.

Recommended citation: Zhu, Q., Mai, U., Pfeiffer, W. et al. Phylogenomics of 10,575 genomes reveals evolutionary proximity between domains Bacteria and Archaea. Nat Commun 10, 5477 (2019).

Log Transformation Improves Dating of Phylogenies

Published in MBE, 2020

This paper introduces wLogDate, a method for dating phylogenetic trees. wLogDate infers time tree following molecular clock principle: it minimizes the variance of the mutation rates in log scale (hence the term logDate).

Recommended citation: Uyen Mai, Siavash Mirarab, Log Transformation Improves Dating of Phylogenies, Molecular Biology and Evolution, msaa222,


Evolution 2018


  • Talk title: Minimum Variance Rooting and TreeShrink as new components in a phylogenetic reconstruction pipeline


ECE 208, Computational Evolutionary Biology

Graduate course, UCSD, ECE Department, 2020

Teaching Assistant

  • This course introduces a series of general algorithmic techniques but uses computational evolutionary biology as the context. The course motivates each algorithmic concept using a specific biological application related to evolution and focuses the discussion on specific types of (big) data available in modern biological studies.